Women’s Health
Empowering women with knowledge and comprehensive care.
About Women’s Health Program

Sheila Phopo
Programs Manager
What do Women's Health Offer?
Our Women’s Health program provides comprehensive health screening and education for women of all ages. We offer a range of services, including annual check-ups, sexual health screenings, pre- and post-antenatal care, and support for breast screening and other life stage changes. Our goal is to empower women to take control of their health through informed decisions and regular health assessments.
Schedule and Location
The Women’s Health Clinic operates every Thursday morning at the Pika Wiya Health Service Main Clinic, staffed with a female GP and Aboriginal Health Worker (AHW). Additionally, we conduct quarterly outreach visits to Nepabunna and Copley to provide health assessments and education.
Eligibility Criteria
The eligibility for access to Pika Wiya Health Service is primarily limited to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people residing or visiting the Pika Wiya catchment area.
The program is available to women of all ages. There are no specific eligibility requirements beyond being a female seeking health services and education.
Contact Information
No formal registration is required. Women can simply attend the Women’s Health Clinic during scheduled hours or contact Stephanie Long for more information on (08) 8642 9xxx.