Our Mission
Pika Wiya Health Service Inc. will provide a culturally appropriate service to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, addressing preventative, promotive and curative aspects of health, which encourages our community to achieve greater dignity and quality of life equal with all Australians.
Pika Wiya Health Service
Pika Wiya Health Services Aboriginal Corporation is an incorporated Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service, initiated by a local Aboriginal community, based in a local Aboriginal community, governed by an Aboriginal body which is elected by the local Aboriginal community and delivering a holistic and culturally appropriate health service to the community that controls it. We offer health and wellbeing services from our premises in Port Augusta and also has clinics at Davenport, Copley and Nipabunna communities as well as provides services to the communities of Quorn, Hawker, Marree, Lyndhurst and Beltana.
Strengthening our communities and families through culturally safe and sensitive practices.
For Mums and Bubs
Keep our people growing strong begins at the start of life, our Mums and Bubs Program is a great start.
Health Checks
A great start in getting a good handle on your health, is to come and see us for a comprehensive health check.
Clinical Services
We offer a range of clinical services to support the health and wellbeing of our community.