Newsletter – June/July 2024 – Volume Number 2

Message from the CEO
Lorraine Merrick

As an Aboriginal Controlled Organisation, PWHSAC is connected to the community, or communities, in which we deliver the services governed by a majority Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander governing body organization. We offer health and wellbeing services from our premises in Port Augusta and also has clinics at Copley and Nipabunna communities.

A perennial highlight on our calendar is always our Annual General Meeting – The PWHSAC 2024 AGM to be held on October 24 2024 at 4pm at Central Oval. Members are encouraged to attend. For any queries regarding the Membership and or the AGM, please contact Dianne Stahl on (08) 8642 9982 email: Dianne.Stahl@pikawiyahealth.org.au

  • NAIDOC – Thank you to everyone who attended and supported the Pika Wiya Health Service successful NAIDOC events, especially our community breakfast. This was well received. We kept the fire burning from Monday to Friday to celebrate he NAIDOC theme.
  • Copley & Nepabunna – The last outreach Visits to Copley and Nepabunna were well supported by Pika Wiya Staff and Doctors. PWHSAC plans to extend these services in the near future. We thank the Copley and Nepabunna communities for your support. The next visit is scheduled for August 26 – 29th.
  • Davenport – Some minor upgrades are being done at the Davenport clinic. PWHSAC Programs and activities to follow.
  • Port Augusta Clinic – Pika Wiya Health Service has successfully secured $1.2 million from the Australian Government for the upgrade of our Port Augusta Clinic. The roof gutters and carpet will be replaced in the old building and work expected to begin before the year ends. We will keep you all up to date on this process.

Enterprise Agreement Update:
As you are aware selected Individuals were recently asked to vote on the new proposed PWHSAC Enterprise Agreement 2023. 44 staff are covered by the proposed agreement. 38 of the employees voted in this process, which is a participation rate of 86.4%.

The votes are as follows.
Yes:                       33 (87 % of votes cast)
No:                        5 (13 %of votes cast)
Didn’t vote:          6

PWHSAC is pleased to announce that the Enterprise Agreement 2023 has successfully been voted up. The agreement has been submitted to Fair Work Commission for approval. PWHSAC would like to thank the CEO Lorraine Merrick, Business Manager Janet McKenzie and Human Resources Manager Patience Machaka for their time, effort and dedication during the process.

Pika Wiya Health Service Aboriginal Corporation – Updates (New Staff)

Adrian Coulthard
ommenced with PWHSAC on Tuesday 14th May 2024.
Adrian will be working full time as an Aboriginal Health Practitioner – Men’s Health/Sexual Health.

Chanara Coombes
Commenced with PWHSAC on Monday 24 June 2024.
Chanara will be working part-time as an Aboriginal Health Practitioner in the clinic on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday weekly.

Dr Renuka Makalandawa
Commenced with PWHSAC on Monday 1st July 2024 on a full-time basis.
Dr Renuka is an all-rounder but has special interests in women’s health, mental health & chronic disease management.

Dr Chris Clohesy
Commenced with PWHSAC on Monday 29 July 2024 on a full-time basis.
Dr Chris is re-joining PWHSAC as he was previously employed as a Medical Officer in 2017 – 2021.

Maree Cole
Commenced with PWHSAC on Monday 27th May 2024.
Maree will be working full time as a Clinic Registered Nurse in a specialist funded role.

James Cole
Commenced with PWHSAC on 11th June 2024.
James will be working as Handyperson/Gardener.

Pika Wiya farewells CHSP Program on 30.06.2024
By CHSP Manager – Desley McKinlay

In 2021, I commenced as Coordinator of the CHSP Program at Pika Wiya. After some exploration and formalities, our Program arrived at a total of 29 active clients. At the very peak of our service we would go on to claim 170 active clients over 7 service types and over 2 sites, (Eyre Peninsula and Port Augusta).

We initially had 2 staff but this soon grew to 10 staff as demand grew for our services

Over the duration of our Program, we have achieved many positive outcomes for clients including maintaining housing contracts, nursing home placements, relocations to safer premises, reduced overcrowding, acquired washing machines, furniture, and managed debts for many who were struggling. Houses were fumigated, rubbish removed, and integrating with the chronic disease staff, ensured all clients were immunized and had care plans that enabled them access to allied health service for our clients. All clients’ needs were addressed and health outcomes optimized by ensuring support to attend appointments, case management and financial services. We were subjected to an accreditation audit, a centrepay audit and were very proud of the outcomes and positive feedback received from the Dept on our empathy, professional quality of performance and conscientious approach to the holistic care and health outcomes of our community.

Our staff worked hard and developed close relationships with those we cared for, and it is with a heavy heart but much pride that we say goodbye on the 1st July 2024. It has been an honor to service our community and we are humbled by the deep and sincere accolades paid to us over the last few weeks from current clients and stakeholders we networked with.

If you are seeking employment with Pika Wiya Health Service Aboriginal Corporation
For further information, please click here.